Threadsy – My First Impressions — That Bookkeeper

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Threadsy – My First Impressions

Last week I came across this post on Erin Blaskie’s site. It was a video talking about her experiences with Threadsy. What the heck is Threadsy, and why haven’t I heard of it yet?

Threadsy is a webapp that integrates your streams (or threads as the name implies) from email, Facebook, and Twitter. It sounded interesting, and the video was compelling enough to go over to Threadsy’s site. It turns out that it’s in a private beta. I decided to sign up and wait for an invite. Yesterday I was surprised when I found an invite in my inbox.

The setup process is very straightforward.


On the first screen, you’re asked to link up your email account. I’ve got all my email accounts funnelled into one GMail account, so this was a simple process for me.


The next screen lets you add your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Once again, I’ve just got one of each of these that I want to track, so this was very quick.


This 3rd screen just confirms that you’ve got your accounts linked up.


This is the welcome screen you get after you’ve got your accounts linked up.


Once you’re in, this is the main screen you’re presented with. No, this isn’t my inbox, there would be far too much screening to protect privacy, and then you wouldn’t be able to see anything. This one is a image taken from Threadsy’s blog. On the left, you get an email-style inbox, with tabs at the top to see Inbound, Drafts, Sent, and More. This is where you’ll see your email inboxes, as well as your inbox from Facebook. On the right are your streams, with tabs for Streams and People. This is where you’ll see your Twitter activity, as well as Facebook updates. You can post updates to both Facebook and Twitter, kind of like you can in Hootsuite.

So far, I’m really liking the interface. It puts an icon to the right of each message, so you know where it’s coming from. You can open up any message in your inbox. For emails, there’s a Quick Reply option so you don’t have to leave the app. Replying to a Facebook message sends you to a reply page on Facebook.

I’ve still got a lot of features to explore. One really cool thing is the People tab on the right. If you click on a message on the left, the People tab gives you more info on the message sender, including bio, photos, and recent messages.

Only time will tell if this remains my favourite central hub. If I’m still using it a week or two from now, I’ll post an update on my experiences.

Have any of you guys tried this out yet? Let me know your thoughts.

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