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A few good links

A few good links

I run into so many great resources each week, so it would be a shame not to share some of them with you. Here I I run into so many great resources each week, so it would be a shame not to share some of them with you. Here are a few links I thought you'd find interesting.

Workflow Field Guide: Last week one of the apps I recommended was Workflow. If you want to learn more, David Sparks (aka MacSparky) has a great video guide. David does a series of field guides. They're normally iBooks, but he has now done 2 video guides. The first one was for OmniFocus (another app I recommended) and then this one for Workflow. I bought the OmniFocus one too but haven't watched it yet. I'm sure I'll be recommending it too, but the Workflow guide is really helpful if you want to get started. It's a bit of an intimidating app when you first open it up, and I think David does a great job of stepping you through some basic and then more advanced use cases.

TaxTips.ca: I'm sure I've mentioned this one before, but this is a great site when you need information about Canadian tax returns. The CRA's site is actually quite a good resource too, but I find this one much easier to navigate. If you really want to stay on top of the latest news you can subscribe to the blog too. It posts tax related updated regularly, which is especially handy this time of the year.

Earth Class Mail: Here's a great service for my US readers. Earth Class Mail is something I really wish we had in Canada. You sign up for ECM, fill out some forms, and get all of your physical mail forwarded to them. When you login to your dashboard, you will see all of the mail that arrived. From there you can have them open and scan the mail, forward it somewhere else, or shred/recycle the junk mail. My favourite part for small businesses? You can setup your bank account, and if any of the mail contains a cheque (sorry...check), it's automatically forwarded and deposited into your bank account. Yes, I know...this is probably setting off 101 security warnings in your head, and that's understandable. All I know is that one of my clients has been using it for the better part of a year and it has been incredible. You can set it to automatically open and scan new mail, so checks will show up and deposit to the bank, even if you're away. For anyone who has ever tried to make a business deposit on a Friday...that's a lot of time saved each month.

Hopefully you'll find these as useful as I have. If you try these out and want to share your thoughts, let me know by email or in the comments.

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